life’s task

“This emphasis on your uniqueness and a Life's Task might seem a poetic conceit without any bearing on practical realities, but in fact it is extremely relevant to the times that we live in. We are entering a world in which we can rely less and less upon the state, the corporation, or family or friends to help and protect us. It is a globalized, harshly competitive environment. We must learn to develop ourselves. At the same time, it is a world teeming with critical problems and opportunities, best solved and seized by entrepreneurs-individuals or small groups who think independently, adapt quickly, and possess unique perspectives. Your individualized, creative skills will be at a premium.” - Robert Greene


“All of us are born unique. This uniqueness is marked genetically in our DNA. We are a one time phenomenon in the universe – our exact genetic make up his never occurred before nor will it ever be repeated. For all of us, this uniqueness first expresses itself in childhood through certain primal inclinations…(there) are forces within us that come from a deeper place than conscious words can express. They draw us to certain experiences and away from others. As these forces move us here, or there, they influence the development of our minds in very particular ways.” - Robert Greene