The Power of Fiction: Unearthing Leadership Insights Beyond Business Books

In the world of leadership and personal development, business books often take center stage. They offer strategies, insights, and case studies that can be directly applied to our professional lives. However, there's another genre that holds untapped potential for leaders: fiction.

Fiction, especially well-crafted literature, provides a deep dive into the human psyche. It unravels the complexities of emotions, relationships, motivations, and conflicts. While business books teach us about management, strategy, and industry best practices, fiction teaches us about humanity.

Take Stephen King's "The Shining" as an example. On the surface, it's a chilling tale of a haunted hotel. But dive deeper, and you'll find it's a poignant exploration of a man's battle with alcoholism, the strains it puts on his family, and the internal demons he grapples with. It's not just a horror story; it's a study in human behavior, vulnerabilities, and resilience.

Classic literature, from the works of Jane Austen to Fyodor Dostoevsky, offers a window into different eras, cultures, and societal norms. These stories, while set in different times and places, touch upon universal themes of love, ambition, betrayal, and redemption. They provide insights into human motivations and relationships that are as relevant today as they were when they were written.

For leaders, reading fiction is like having a secret weapon. It fosters empathy, a crucial trait for anyone in a leadership position. By immersing ourselves in the lives of fictional characters, we learn to understand different perspectives, emotions, and challenges. This, in turn, allows us to better connect with, understand, and lead our teams.

While business books equip us with tools and techniques, fiction equips us with understanding and empathy. It's a balance of both that truly enriches our leadership capabilities. So, the next time you're looking for a book to read, consider picking up a novel. You might just discover insights that transform your leadership approach.

The Best Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Life: Read Books!

There are myriad business influencers out there that preach the importance of getting up at 5 am, working out, reading, and meditating all before 7 am and basically creating an almost unsustainable approach to life. I am a firm believer in creating habits that support you and your goals specifically, not just blindly following the advice of others. For some, their best work is accomplished in the morning. For others, particularly creatives, the late evening hours are when they are most productive. Some find better results working out at the end of the day, others need to do it first thing. Create habits and a ritual that works best for you!

That said, a non-negotiable in my mind is creating time to read. It is often said that, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” I have found this mostly to be true but I have also observed some people turn reading into a weird sort of competition. Almost like checking something off of their to-do list.

Once I was talking with a young man that reported to me at my previous company. He was trying to get in better shape and create better health habits. He recognized, rightly, that a healthy body equals a healthy mind. I gave him some pointers and advice. He was taking notes and sharing with me how excited he was to implement these ideas. I then recommended a book by Aubrey Marcus called Own Your Day, Own Your Life. I was shocked when he told me he just read that book. That book was literally where I got all of the action items I had just shared with him.

The point is not to read just to read. It is not a contest. We hear stories of Bill Gates reading hundreds of books a year and I think that we have to somehow do the same. The better approach is having a plan with each book. Read for understanding and simply plan to make one or two key changes based on what you learned in the book. That is the way. By taking this approach, you will gradually create an arsenal of powerful approaches and ideas that will truly transform your life. Don’t read for bragging rights. Read to be the best version of yourself.