“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher.” - Chinese Proverb
“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher.” - Chinese Proverb
James Clear’s book Atomic Habits is MSRE’s February book of the month. I read this book twice over the last two years and would say it is the best book I have personally read on the idea of habits and discipline. Love this quote from James’ newsletter that I received today.
"Just have one good day. Then repeat." - James Clear
A pretty simple formula for life when put in those words! It reminds me of an interview that my favorite fiction author, Cormac McCarthy, had with Oprah. Cormac basically said his goal is to simply write a few pages each day that are better than yesterday’s pages. His straightforward philosophy has led to some of the greatest American fiction and a Pulitzer Prize for his masterpiece, The Road.
Excellent insight in today’s Daily Stoic reading. Aligns really well with all the challenges most of us have experienced through the pandemic. As Ryan Holiday and the Stoics would say, the obstacle becomes the way.
For some further insights on this thought, I highly recommend Viktor E. Frankl’s A Man’s Search for Meaning. Powerful read.
“Kind people help each other even without noticing that they are doing so, and evil people act against each other on purpose.”