msre fundamentals
A few years ago I read an interesing book, Culture by Design by David Friedman. David’s main thesis in the book is that companies need to go a step further with their companies values. The company needs to define the actual behavoirs that comprise the values.
We took this step at MSRE and created our Fundamentals:
Show up. Be in the office. Participate in the business. Add value to your peers. Do the work!
Create an experience. Do the little things, as well as the big things, that blow people away. Create an extraordinary and memorable experience that your clients will tell others about. Mere satisfaction is for lesser companies and agents. Your job is to blow the client away!
Dress for success. Our customers expect us to be consummate professionals! Your dress and appearance are an important part of that. Dress the part!
Show up on time. If you are on time, you are 15 minutes late. Show up early, get your bearings, get prepared and get your mindset right.
Pick up the phone. The best form of communication when an in-person meeting is not practical is over the phone. MSRE team members negotiate contracts, update our clients, and handle conflict over the phone.
Do what is best for the customer. Simply put, place the customer's needs ahead of our own. The quickest way to build a fantastic reputation is to always do what is right for others. We are in the service industry and therefore we will sometimes have to prioritize the needs of our customers over our own. As Zig Ziglar said, “you’ll get what you want when you help others get what they want.”
Always add value. Understand your industry. Master your craft. Study the market. Attend CE regularly. Leverage resources like MLS market reports, and to become an expert in real estate. Learn about available mortgage programs from Shelter. In order to deliver exceptional client experience, you must be an expert and then share that knowledge with your clients.
Set expectations and then deliver. Your goal is to create clarity for our clients and avoid misunderstandings by discussing all expectations upfront. If necessary, confirm your communication by asking others to repeat back their understanding. As a trusted advisor, the importance of clear and upfront expectations cannot be understated.
Act with integrity. Be honest in everything you do. Be militant in your morality. We always do the right thing for the client and customer!
Leave your ego at the front door. It is not about you. Don’t let your ego or personal agenda get in the way of doing what is best for your clients and the team. Even when you are right and/or didn’t cause the issue. Listen, apologize, provide solutions, thank the customer for their feedback! MSRE is an ego-free zone. At MSRE you should always be willing to do whatever it takes to help get our client the results they want.
Operate with a sense of urgency. Time is of the essence in the real estate transaction and in everything we do at Mark Spain Real Estate. The future will belong to the “quick.” MSRE team members deliver with intensity and a strong sense of urgency to get things done!
Embrace change. Our world and industry are constantly evolving. Embrace change. Evolve. Look for new ways to improve your approach.
Do the right thing, in all things. Listen to your gut. If it feels wrong, don’t do it. If you are unclear, ask your Director or a peer. What we do is not about a commission check, it is about helping our clients get to the closing table. Place the client's needs above your own and do what is right in all things.
Deliver unprecedented client experience. Set proper expectations, over-communicate, look for opportunities to “wow” your client, follow up, and follow-through. Always do what you say you are going to do.
Be relentless in pursuit of self-improvement. Read at least 10 new books a year. Exercise. Eat well. Practice the concepts taught in the Compound Effect. Self-care is part of your job, it is your responsibility so that you can perform at the highest level in all that you do both personally and professionally.
Be a follow-up fanatic. Exhibit a “close the loop” mentality in all matters. It is always better to over-communicate with leads, clients and past clients.
Don’t be a secret agent. Let your friends and family and sphere of influence know what you do. Don’t be afraid to ask for their business. SOI business can be huge for an MSRE agent’s income. Don’t overlook these opportunities.
Pursue freaky-fast response time. Conduct pre-appointment confirmation calls as soon as reasonably possible. Return all calls and emails as quickly as you can (while honoring your time blocking!) At a minimum same day. Tensions run high in the real estate transaction. Help alleviate that stress for our customers and clients by being aggressive in your response time.
Protect your time. Follow the principles outlined in The One Thing and embrace time blocking. Make sure your dollar productive activities are blocked first. Remember when you say “yes” to something, you are saying “no” to something else.
Be a cheerleader for your peers. One of our core values is to support a fun and supportive culture. Live this value by always being a cheerleader for your peers. Celebrate their successes and support them when they struggle. Follow them on social media. Comment on their real estate posts.
Understand the contracts and the law. The majority of agents have never read the contract they work with daily. This is shameful. In order to deliver world-class client experience, it is imperative that you take extreme care when completing the contract and producing special stipulations. As the fiduciary of the client, you must ensure they fully understand the contract. A sloppy contract or stipulation or a lack of understanding can cost our clients dearly.
Be an expert. Know your craft. Attend CE for education not to fulfil the requirement. Understand all aspects of the real estate transaction: contracts, timelines, loan products, inspections, appraisals, mold, radon, termites, etc.
Be a master of MSRE policies and procedures. Learn all aspects of our business from marketing to ISA to admin to sales to GO. Leverage Litmos and the intranet. Know how MSRE does business.
Remember that setting expectations is the most important part of the job. The average homeowner sells once every 7-10 years. As their trusted advisor it is your job to make sure they fully understand the process.
Be the agent you would want to work with. Your job as an agent is to bring the buyer and seller together and then get out of the way. At MSRE you do not let your own emotions get in the way of the transaction. Treat co-op agents with kindness and professionalism and work together to get the transaction closed.
Assume positive intent. Work from the assumption that people are good, fair and honest, and that the intent behind their actions is positive. Give your team members, clients, and co-op agents the benefit of the doubt.
Speak straight. Be clear and direct in your communications without being rude. Wherever possible use simple language. No one enjoys feeling as if they are getting the run around from you. Address issues with those who are involved or affected.
Always go the extra mile. Look for opportunities to do a little bit extra. Be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed for your clients and then add in a little bit more. Even if it is not your “job” be willing to do whatever it takes. This is what separates the average from the superstars.
Deliver results. Don’t mistake activity for achievement. While effort is always appreciated, we reward and celebrate results. Set your goals high, measure them daily, and hold yourself accountable for achieving those results.
Don’t overpromise and then underdeliver. Simply put: honor your commitments and always over-deliver. Realistic expectations are best! Don’t back yourself into a corner. Leave wiggle room!
Pay attention to the details. Be a fanatic about accuracy and precision. Pay attention to contract timelines. From the spelling of the client’s name to the details of a contract: cover all details large and small.
Find a way. Respond to every situation looking for how we can do it, rather than explaining why it can’t be done. Make things happen for your clients and your peers. Be resourceful, show initiative and stay solution-minded.
Be above it. Don’t allow your personal feelings to get in the way of the mission of providing unprecedented client experience. Don’t let others steal your joy. Stay “above it.” Your job is not to take on the pain of others, it’s to help ease it.
No excuses. Take extreme ownership. MSRE team members own their actions: wins and loses. We don’t point fingers or blame others--we take action.
Treat everyone with empathy and kindness. You will never be able to walk in someone else’s shoes. Don’t judge. You don’t know what they have been through or what they are going through. Be kind to one another.